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Basket Penetration | Tips & Tricks!

Basket Penetration allows you to deep dive into baskets from a specific shopping pattern (e.g. containing a specific category) and analyze the popularity of the brands.

More specifically, in this screen we can gather information regarding the average basket' value and units, the average consumer’s spent for specific categories and brands as well as the metric of Basket Penetration, calculating the frequency with which a category or a brand can be found in the market’s baskets and thus its popularity in consumers.

Here are the metrics you should look out for:

  • Share of baskets out of sector’s total: the Basket Penetration of the selected category within the total sector.

  • Avg. basket value and units: Check out easily the average value and number of units included in a basket with products of the selected category

  • Avg. spent and units for a specific category or brand: Check the average value and units of the selected category in the consumer’s basket.

[image 1]

  • Basket Penetration per brand within the category. Which is the popularity of your brands and the competitive ones in the category?

Basket Penetration is calculated by dividing the total baskets where the brand was found, by the total category’s baskets. e.g. for Avreno we have: 1.690 / 3.606 = 46,9%

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Pro Tip: Which competitive brands do consumers select along with your own Brand?
By filtering with one of your brands or clicking on the button ‘Filter my brands’, you can check the Basket Penetration of the competitive Brands in the baskets including at least one of your products.

E.g. Out of the total baskets including at least one Levin - Body Care product, 35,4% are Avreno - Body Care products

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