Dashboard for the days of interest - Not just the last 7!
The Dashboard is the go-to screen for an overall performance overview for many of our clients.
By introducing a fully functional date picker comparable to all other screens of eRetail Audit Marketplace and removing the limitation of only viewing your performance of the last 7 days, we're taking a big step into making Dashboard the go-to area for Sales and Marketing teams.
What's new?
🔹 Ability for users to define their desired time period for their quick view of performance on the retailer.
🔹 A complete update of the screen to follow both current & compare periods of analysis.
🔹 Opportunity status to include ALL products identified as having a status of "Opportunity" or "Attention" during the timeframe of the analysis, with a clear indication of the day we identified them as either "Opportunity" or "Attention".