Introducing Out of Stock Alerts 🕵️‍♂️

Do you want to be notified of which products you have out of stock?

Out of Stock email alerts are here to give you a full update as soon as your data comes in. 🎉

What can you do with it?

  • Find the products that are out of stock in each retailer

  • See the last time they were available

  • Spot the products that are continuously not available

  • Find the products that were restoked

  • Instantly view the availability per retailer and product

Using this information, you can:

  • Create a restocking plan for your products

  • Ensure that your top SKUs are always in stock without even accessing the app

  • Monitor if the retailer has updated their stock and website on the timeline you have agreed upon

  • Use the email to find areas to deep dive using "All Products". We even added a link for you in the email 😎

Want to unsubscribe? Go to alert settings > Out of Stock emails.