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Understanding the Essence of Sales Decomposition


Sales Decomposition, an innovative feature within eRetail Audit Marketplace, is the gateway to comprehensive sales analysis.

Every Brand wants to answer confidently: "Why are our sales figures changing compared to the previous period?". In the quest to answer this, Sales Decomposition offers two powerful modes of analysis:

  • Dimensional Decomposition: This mode breaks down the sales value of a group into the sales value of its sub-groups (dimensions).

  • KPI Tree Decomposition: It dissects the sales value of a group into various sub-metrics (KPIs).

🔍 Problem and Solution:

🎯 Why is This Analysis Crucial?

Sales Decomposition is pivotal for companies as it directly contributes to data-driven decision-making, enabling them to optimise their Sales and Marketing strategies and enhance overall business performance. Here's how Sales Decomposition empowers your company:

📊 Performance Assessment: Evaluate the performance of different product categories, brands, or segments swiftly and accurately. Identify revenue-driving factors fast, guiding resource allocation, marketing strategies, and product development.

🚀 Strategic Planning: Develop and adjust strategic plans with precision by identifying growth opportunities and areas for improvement. React proactively to declining sales, making informed adjustments in products, pricing, or marketing approaches.

🏆 Competitive Analysis: Gain invaluable insights into product performance compared to competitors, guiding competitive positioning and differentiation strategies.

📊 Forecasting: Enhance sales forecasting accuracy by leveraging historical trends, benefiting production planning, resource allocation, and budgeting processes.