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Shipping geolocation is now available as a new dimension

What's new?

We are happy to announce that Shipping Geolocation is now available for Skroutz Marketplace. This enhancement provides comprehensive insights into the shipping country and city of products purchased, allowing you to gain deeper insights into your customer base and enhance your business strategies.

Through our innovative platform shipping geolocation is integrated into the Sales Pulse screen, empowering you with actionable intelligence like never before.

🔎 How It Works:

  • Dimension Selection: In Sales Pulse, you can now select shipping country or city as dimensions in the exploration table. View and analyze data based on these geolocation dimensions.

  • Advanced Filtering: Use the new shipping geolocation as an additional filtering option. This multi-select feature allows you to choose multiple dimensions (e.g., country X, city Y) to expand your analysis.

  • Historical Data Access: The shipping geolocation dimension is available for past data dating back to 2022.

  • User-Friendly Controls: Easily select or clear all countries or cities with the "clear all" and "select all" functionality, similar to other filtering options on the platform.