Marketing Funnel & Attribution
🌟Step 1 Impressions
How much visibility did I get from my campaign?
🌟Step 2 Engagement
Did we bring views to the promoted products?
🌟Step 3 Clicks & CTR
How many clicks did I get?
🌟Step 4 Conversion
Did my activation lead to sales? How many were direct and how many indirect referring only to promoted products?
Incremental Sales
🌟Step 5 Incremental Sales
Overall did I get incremental sales during the activation?
🌟Step 6 iROAS
How much was the return on my investment
While attribution tracks customer exposure to ads, it cannot prove that those ads caused a purchase that wouldn't have happened otherwise. This is why we add the measurement of incrementality. Attribution is based on marketing's claimed conversions. Incrementality identifies marketing's actual conversions.
Detailed Performance
🌟Step 7 Basket Penetration
Did we gain penetration in the consumer basket?
🌟Step 8 Avg. Price & Average Spend:
How was the price and spend impacted?
Competition Benchmark
🌟Step 9 Market Benchmark
Did we increase at a higher pace than the competition?
🌟Step 10 Market Share Evolution
How did the competition evolve?