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For Brands

How to add product URLs in eRetail Content
What are the Digital Shelf KPIs tracked in eRetail Content?
When is Digital Shelf data released in the app?
Ιs the data release frequency the same across all features?
How is the data retrieved for all these Digital Shelf KPIs?
How are the search keywords and retailer categories for Share of Search and Navigation selected?
Can I get Digital Shelf Data per location?
How are Assortment and Distribution Availability different?
How is image similarity calculated?
How is text similarity calculated?
How do I add targets in Product Positioning?
How is my performance using targets calculated?
What are the media supported in Brand Share of Voice?
How often is data released the app for Brand Share of Voice?
How are product URLs maintained up to date?
Which are the product URL statuses?
What is the Confidence Level of the Digital Shelf data?
Can I change the order of product fields in the product page?
How the Product URL status works in eRetail Content
How to manage Category Share URLs in eRetail Content
Why it's important to manage your URLs properly on eRetail Content
How to inform retailers that you are using eRetail Content
How to invite extra users to your account
How to manage your products in eRetail Content
How to add a single product
How to add multiple products
How to edit multiple products
How to export products in various formats
How to create an assets transformation template
How to quickly share your products with retailers
How to unshare products
How to activate Autosharing and avoid any manual work
How to see “shared” product catalog per retailer
What’s the difference between FINAL & DRAFT tag in products
How to create custom - fields that match retailers’ content needs
How to upload images (different types, max photos, and sequence of images)
How to transform images based on retailers’ specs
How to create saved filter groups
How to personalize your alert settings

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